Sviluppatore di giorno, cavaliere oscuro di notte. Appassionato di tecnologia fin da quando ero un bambino e osservavo con stupore il web con una connessione 56K, oggi lavoro come Full Stack Developer nella mia città: Palermo. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, in particolare quelle legate allo sviluppo web. Al momento PHP e Laravel sono il mio pane (e salame) quotidiano. Inoltre ho un debole per tutto ciò che riguarda la UX.
Sometimes it happens I work on Android apps, but mainly I just press random buttons on the keyboard. I’ve been working on Android for little more than 8 years, currently I work for Subito in different areas, such as, for example, making sure that you see advertisements (you love them, don’t you?). My hobbies are making games that I don’t complete, sitting on my sofa a.k.a. “Fausto-holder”, watching interesting and fun YouTube videos and, of course, going to the gym to scale down my beer belly.
I believe that kindness and empathy make people’s life better. That’s what triggers my passion to design products that help people in their everyday life and my will to contribute to create a healthy and collaborative work environment.
Figma is my daily bread and I love user testing.
Sono un’appassionata di tecnologia e vivo a Palermo, Italia, dove lavoro come Senior Developer. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, trovare nuovi modi per risolvere problemi e condividere le mie esperienze con altri.
Ultimamente mi sono concentrata molto su Firebase e Google Cloud Platform.
Scrivo articoli su Medium e da Novembre 2022 sono Women Techmakers Ambassador.
Android developer by day, sofa tester by night.
I’ve been releasing bugs into production since 2014, but now I’m working as an Android Platform Engineer and faking my knowledge of Gradle and Android Tooling.
In my spare time, I am a leisure champion, a powerlifter, a former Kung-Fu and Capoeira practitioner, a cook, and, most importantly, a budding pizza chef.
Each day tries to discover the dark side of the mobile development, and tries to create something meaningful for the users. Cares about clickable text buttons, testable logic, human readable code, scalable systems, and sharing the suffering he had while learning with others. Likes declarable UI paradigm with shared code. In his free time, he creates yet another open source side project to try cool things.
I believe that kindness and empathy make people’s life better. That’s what triggers my passion to design products that help people in their everyday life and my will to contribute to create a healthy and collaborative work environment.
Figma is my daily bread and I love user testing.
I have 6 years of experience in designing mobile apps and websites, and I am currently working with Angelini Consumer to create services for families. Throughout my career, I have worked on big European projects, primarily in the health and business innovation sectors. This has given me a deep understanding of customer and consumer needs, and helped me find creative and innovative solutions to meet them.
Giornalista, scrivo da sempre, praticamente da quando ho imparato. Ho provato tutto quello che il giornalismo offre (giornali, riviste, agenzie, tv, radio, web), ma senza il digital non vai da nessuna parte. Nata nel 19equalchedecina, mi piace definirmi “emigrante al contrario”. Dopo il liceo infatti sono tornata dal Veneto alle mie origini palermitane per l’università. “Vabbè faccio un anno e me ne vado”, avevo detto: ne sono passati 27!
Known as HatDroid, is a Technology enthusiast, former Android, and now Flutter developer, always in search of new technologies and strategies to improve. Flutter Google Developer Expert and Full-time Flutter Developer @Pvotal technologies and admin for Flutter Italia Developers. Always ready to share his experiences and working hard to help the Developer communities grow.
Sviluppatore di giorno, cavaliere oscuro di notte. Appassionato di tecnologia fin da quando ero un bambino e osservavo con stupore il web con una connessione 56K, oggi lavoro come Full Stack Developer nella mia città: Palermo. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, in particolare quelle legate allo sviluppo web. Al momento PHP e Laravel sono il mio pane (e salame) quotidiano. Inoltre ho un debole per tutto ciò che riguarda la UX.
I’m especially focused in JavaScript front-end applications and all related aspects, both visuals and architecturals, I often work on cutting-edge libraries and frameworks offering training, development, code review and consulting on Angular, React and several other front-end technologies.
Sometimes it happens I work on Android apps, but mainly I just press random buttons on the keyboard. I’ve been working on Android for little more than 8 years, currently I work for Subito in different areas, such as, for example, making sure that you see advertisements (you love them, don’t you?). My hobbies are making games that I don’t complete, sitting on my sofa a.k.a. “Fausto-holder”, watching interesting and fun YouTube videos and, of course, going to the gym to scale down my beer belly.
I believe that kindness and empathy make people’s life better. That’s what triggers my passion to design products that help people in their everyday life and my will to contribute to create a healthy and collaborative work environment.
Figma is my daily bread and I love user testing.
Sono un’appassionata di tecnologia e vivo a Palermo, Italia, dove lavoro come Senior Developer. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, trovare nuovi modi per risolvere problemi e condividere le mie esperienze con altri.
Ultimamente mi sono concentrata molto su Firebase e Google Cloud Platform.
Scrivo articoli su Medium e da Novembre 2022 sono Women Techmakers Ambassador.
È un ingegnere del software freelance con l’ambizione di poter lavorare su grandi progetti open source. Da anni lavora su diversi CRM open source, molti dei suoi contributi sono rimasti nell’oblio di codebase storiche come VtigerCRM e SugarCRM. Oggi si occupa esclusivamente di CI/CD e Quality Assurance, ma occasionalmente produce codice PHP e JavaScript che rilascia pubblicamente.
Android developer by day, sofa tester by night.
I’ve been releasing bugs into production since 2014, but now I’m working as an Android Platform Engineer and faking my knowledge of Gradle and Android Tooling.
In my spare time, I am a leisure champion, a powerlifter, a former Kung-Fu and Capoeira practitioner, a cook, and, most importantly, a budding pizza chef.
As a kid, I was curious how an on-screen Donkey Kong could move in any direction I wanted, just via a joypad. So over time I tried to understand what was behind that world. In general it was about programming and it was there that I became so passionate that I undertook both high school and university studies in computer science. Over time I also became interested in the development of microcontrollers, so much so that I presented something for my degree thesis. Today my career has given way to a frontend development path.
I’m curious about the news and above all the methodologies for producing quality software. When I’m not riding my Harley, you can find me making some beer recipes, or at least I’m trying :)
I like to read, especially topics concerning personal growth.
Each day tries to discover the dark side of the mobile development, and tries to create something meaningful for the users. Cares about clickable text buttons, testable logic, human readable code, scalable systems, and sharing the suffering he had while learning with others. Likes declarable UI paradigm with shared code. In his free time, he creates yet another open source side project to try cool things.
Sono un’appassionata di tecnologia e vivo a Palermo, Italia, dove lavoro come Senior Developer. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, trovare nuovi modi per risolvere problemi e condividere le mie esperienze con altri.
Ultimamente mi sono concentrata molto su Firebase e Google Cloud Platform.
Scrivo articoli su Medium e da Novembre 2022 sono Women Techmakers Ambassador.
Android developer by day, sofa tester by night.
I’ve been releasing bugs into production since 2014, but now I’m working as an Android Platform Engineer and faking my knowledge of Gradle and Android Tooling.
In my spare time, I am a leisure champion, a powerlifter, a former Kung-Fu and Capoeira practitioner, a cook, and, most importantly, a budding pizza chef.
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