Via Castrofilippo, 20 - Palermo, Italy @ Ballarak Magione
Ospiti della storica birreria Ballarak, il Beer Tech Group è orgoglioso di dare il via al primo Tech and Beer, insieme a Cloudmind. E tu ci sarai?
In this beginner-friendly talk we will summon a poor mobile developer and witness him build his first API call in Kotlin, in order to stop blaming the backend for his barely working apps. Hopefully we won’t trigger any backend developer during the process.
Do you feel like you’re spending more time waiting for your Gradle builds to finish than actually writing code? Our tech talk is here to help you optimize your build process with tips and tricks like leveraging the Gradle build cache, configuring parallel builds, and avoiding common pitfalls. So join us, and learn how to speed up your builds and become a more productive developer!
Introducing Astro with a real world use case: Beer Tech Group site
My personal experience with this new web framework Astro with a real world use case: Beer Tech Group site. Looking deep how this framework works, pros, cons and code by example to see Astro’s features and potential.
Each day tries to discover the dark side of the mobile development, and tries to create something meaningful for the users. Cares about clickable text buttons, testable logic, human readable code, scalable systems, and sharing the suffering he had while learning with others. Likes declarable UI paradigm with shared code. In his free time, he creates yet another open source side project to try cool things.
Android developer by day, sofa tester by night.
I’ve been releasing bugs into production since 2014, but now I’m working as an Android Platform Engineer and faking my knowledge of Gradle and Android Tooling.
In my spare time, I am a leisure champion, a powerlifter, a former Kung-Fu and Capoeira practitioner, a cook, and, most importantly, a budding pizza chef.
Sono un’appassionata di tecnologia e vivo a Palermo, Italia, dove lavoro come Senior Developer. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, trovare nuovi modi per risolvere problemi e condividere le mie esperienze con altri.
Ultimamente mi sono concentrata molto su Firebase e Google Cloud Platform.
Scrivo articoli su Medium e da Novembre 2022 sono Women Techmakers Ambassador.
Android developer by day, sofa tester by night.
I’ve been releasing bugs into production since 2014, but now I’m working as an Android Platform Engineer and faking my knowledge of Gradle and Android Tooling.
In my spare time, I am a leisure champion, a powerlifter, a former Kung-Fu and Capoeira practitioner, a cook, and, most importantly, a budding pizza chef.
Sono un’appassionata di tecnologia e vivo a Palermo, Italia, dove lavoro come Senior Developer. Adoro sperimentare nuove tecnologie, trovare nuovi modi per risolvere problemi e condividere le mie esperienze con altri.
Ultimamente mi sono concentrata molto su Firebase e Google Cloud Platform.
Scrivo articoli su Medium e da Novembre 2022 sono Women Techmakers Ambassador.
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